Sunday, March 3, 2013

Great News!!!

I am officially on "the ride" now.

My first novel, the award-winning Becoming NADIA, is in available paperback as well as all eBook formats. I ordered twenty copies to sell personally, and lo and behold, they sold in a week. I ordered more, and since last Friday, I've sold about half of that one as well. Needless to say, it's pretty exciting.


There's only one thing that pretty, popular TV reporter Nadia Velasquez is missing: her memory from before the explosion that killed everyone else in the room, including the President of Nigeria. But from the moment she meets FBI agent Jon Daniels, all hell breaks loose. Friends turn into deadly enemies overnight, and she has no idea who she can trust anymore.

When Jon and Nadia investigate further, they discover the living terror that is the truth behind Nadia's existence, a truth that could mean the death of millions.

Oooo, sounds cool, doesn't it? Seriously, I had a load of fun writing it, and I haven't yet heard anyone tell me they regretted buying it. And believe me, my friends all let me know if they don't like something. I'm so pushy about everything I like, they got sick of saving my feelings a long time ago. Anyway, if you want to check out more, click here.

Last week, I signed the print contract for my second book, Unalive. It's the sequel to Becoming NADIA, and the second installment in the series The NADIA Project.


In the second installment of The NADIA Project, the potential stakes are raised even higher. The lab where Nadia was built is no more. But when The Pinnacle strikes back at the government agencies trying to crack its secrets, a horrible truth emerges: The evil cabal of kingmakers is still building living weapons of mass destruction somewhere on the globe.
Jon Daniels and Nadia Velasquez must find the lab and stop it before a new wave of terror erupts across the world. In order to succeed, though, they must get through The Pinnacle's most deadly weapon: Jenna Paine.
All who stand between evil and the innocent are two ancient warriors, a misfit genius, a rogue FBI agent, and a living antimatter bomb named NADIA

 You know what the first response from the guys at the hangar was? "How do I get her phone number?" Oh, I can definitely agree that the girl my cover artist chose was a PERFECT Jenna, wouldn't you? We ramped up the action and suspense to a level that is not kind to those with heart conditions, and we threw in a few more surprises, just to tease.

The print release comes out this June, so look for it. Check out a free taste here. Go ahead. Click the link. You know you really want to.

I will say this: I'm a bit of a prude. Yes, I feature a fair amount of violence in my work. But it's all central to the plot, and I think it has a redeeming value in the end. I don't write graphic sex, and I keep the language within comfortable range for teens and up. I just think that literature should be available to as wide an audience as I can make it, without a parent blushing about their kids reading it. Granted, some of my bad guys are really good people, and some of my good guys treat each other like the southern end of a northbound elephant. But that all goes toward raising questions like "What really is the difference between Good and Evil?" and "What makes a person, a person?"

Anyway, I'm sure my third book (the final installment in the series, titled Critical Mass) will be coming to print as well. Check that one out here. 


Thanks again for letting me go on. It really is quite a ride, this whole "published" thing.  And I'm going to take Neal Gaimann's advice. I'm going to enjoy it while I can.


  1. Enjoy the ride! It's fun and exhilarating, isn't it?

  2. I've always said that I'd be sellling so many books if only I had a real copy. It's the personal touch that works for me.
